

Ability to inspire or influence others to work towards the shared goal.


Roles vs Jobs

It seriously turns me off when organisations are unable to differentiate between a role and a job. Talking about this confusion, Scrum Product Owner probably one of the most misunderstood roles these days which unfortunately many organisations advertise as a job. A job describes what...


Organizational debt

Organizational debt is a sibling of technical debt. While technical debt is unhealthy and generally a well-understood problem, organizational debt can be killer and often treated as an afterthought.  The term "organizational debt"  was coined by Steve Blank, defined as the accumulation of...


Partnership over Stakeholdership

When hiring for senior roles, companies put too much stress on stakeholder management skills i.e. ability to navigate through complex stakeholder landscape and manage expectations. I find the ability to form meaningful and impactful partnership a lot more important skill than stakeholdership. So what...

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